Iggeret ha-Musar: Preliminary Study, Edition and Translation of a Hebrew Pseudo-Aristotle


  • Aurora Salvatierra Ossorio Universidad de Granada
  • Tomás Urrutia Sánchez Universidad de Granada




Medieval Hebrew Literature, Hebrew Didactic Literature, Yehudah al-Ḥarizi, Alī Ibn Riḍwān, Aristotle


In this article we offer a preliminary approach to Iggeret ha-Musar along with a critical edition based on sixteen manuscripts and a Spanish translation of this text attributed to Yehudah al-Ḥarizi (12th -13th c.). This Hebrew version, surprisingly widespread in Jewish circles, brings together ethical reflections from the famous Egyptian physician ͗Alī Ibn Riḍwān (10th c.) and a supposed letter from Aristotle which is at the core of this work. This heterogeneous text, preserved in at least thirty-six manuscripts, contains an interesting amalgam of materials intended to provide a code of conduct based on universal principles.


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How to Cite

Salvatierra Ossorio, A., & Urrutia Sánchez, T. (2013). Iggeret ha-Musar: Preliminary Study, Edition and Translation of a Hebrew Pseudo-Aristotle. Sefarad, 73(1), 31–68. https://doi.org/10.3989/sefarad.013.002


