Conversos and Freethought. Searching for Traces (16th and 17th c.)
New Christians, Castile, 17th Century, Deism, Atheism, University, Alcalá de Henares, InquisitionAbstract
In the 16th and 17th centuries, among Iberian New Christians there can be detected some radical manifestations of religious disruption. Following the research of Yitzhak Baer, Carl Gebhardt and most notably Israël S. Révah, these phenomena repeatedly have been linked both to late medieval Jewish «averroism» and the Spinozistic philosophy of the 17th century. However, more perspectives are possible. Here, we would like to present the trends of converso unbelieve with their academic background and in the European context, paying special attention to a group of five New Christian physicians, who, about 1630, together studied at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
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