The Masorete Was Wrong: Was He Wrong?


  • Emilia Fernández Tejero ILC - CSIC



Bible, Masorah, Hebrew Biblical Text


This article has a didactic purpose; it is not aimed at scholars of the Masora but rather at researchers in closely associated areas. The editions of Hebrew Biblical manuscripts and critical studies that have been published recently are particularly useful tools for those who wish to delve into other areas of research such as the history of the Hebrew Biblical text, its exegesis or the origins of grammar. Here, the author concentrates on the analysis of three issues: variant formulations of a same information; coherence between a text and its Masorah, and the possible discrepancies among sources.


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How to Cite

Fernández Tejero, E. (2009). The Masorete Was Wrong: Was He Wrong?. Sefarad, 69(2), 303–313.




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