Manuscript fragments of the Sefer Miṣwot Gadol preserved in the Biblioteca Angelica (Rome)


  • Emma Abate Università di Roma «La Sapienza»



Halakhic Literature, Mosheh de Coucy, Hebrew Fragments, Ashkenazic Writing, 14th Century


Description of two 14th c. manuscript fragments of an Ashkenazic copy of the Sefer Miṣwot Gadol by R. Mosheh de Coucy preserved in the Biblioteca Angelica (Rome). A critical edition of the text, collating the variants observed in the editions by Bomberg and Pinhas, is provided


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How to Cite

Abate, E. (2009). Manuscript fragments of the Sefer Miṣwot Gadol preserved in the Biblioteca Angelica (Rome). Sefarad, 69(2), 477–489.


