Genealogical Position of Ugaritic: the Lexical Dimension. Lexical Isoglosses between Ugaritic and other Semitic Languages. Conclusions


  • Leonid Kogan Russian State University for the Humanities



Lexical Isoglosses, Basic Vocabulary, Ugaritic, Arabic, Aramaic, Akkadian, Hebrew, Phoenician, Genealogical Classification of Semitic


This article is the concluding part of a series of publications by the author dealing with the lexical factor in the genealogical subgrouping of Semitic. In the focus of the discussion are the exclusive lexical isoglosses between Ugaritic and Semitic languages other than Canaanite: Arabic, Aramaic and Akkadian. In both former cases, such isoglosses are few in number, which almost certainly excludes any particularly close association between Ugaritic and Arabic or Aramaic. Conversely, Ugaritic- Akkadian isoglosses are comparatively numerous, which can be explained in several possible ways. In the concluding section, the Canaanite affiliation of Ugaritic as reflected in the basic vocabulary is reaffirmed, with a special emphasis on the hypothetic Ugaritic-Phoenician connection.


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How to Cite

Kogan, L. (2010). Genealogical Position of Ugaritic: the Lexical Dimension. Lexical Isoglosses between Ugaritic and other Semitic Languages. Conclusions. Sefarad, 70(2), 279–328.


