Laws of ritual purity in judeo-spanish: rabbinic laws and women’s practices


  • Katja Šmid ILC, CCHS – CSIC



Ritual purity, menstruation, Ritual Bath(ing), Mikveh, Women, Sephardic Rabbinic Literature, Judeo-Spanish, Eli ͑éźer Shem Tov Papo


The aim of this article is to examine some laws, customs and moral teachings related to ritual purity of Jewish women, based on the recopilation of texts from two halakhic works written in Judeo-Spanish by the Sephardic author Eli ͑éźer: Shem Tov Papo (Sarajevo, ? – Jerusalem, 1898), in particular, Séfer Damésec Eli ͑éźer: Yoré de ͑áh (Belgrade, 1865), and Sefer Damesek Eli ͑éźer: Yoré de ͑áh (Jerusalem, 1884). The halakhic texts commented in the article interpret the phenomenon of menstruation from a rabbinic point of view. At the same time the texts reveal some practices carried out by Sephardic women in the Ottoman Empire, in reference to the separation of men and women during the period of impurity, the counting of the seven clean days, corporal examination, and preparations for ritual immersion.


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How to Cite

Šmid, K. (2012). Laws of ritual purity in judeo-spanish: rabbinic laws and women’s practices. Sefarad, 72(2), 389–429.


