The Cuenca Amulet: History, Magic, and Manuscripts


  • Eleazar Gutwirth Tel-Aviv University



Conversos, Hebraists, Translation from Hebrew into Romance, Bible, Renaissance, Amulets, Magic, Inquisition


Frequently reproduced because of its visual attraction, the colourful Cuenca amulet cannot be understood without the rest of the Inquisition file of which it is an integral part. The unpublished testimony accompanying the amulet, preserved at the Archivo Diocesano de Cuenca, is presented here. An attempt is made to tackle the problems it raises: identification of the individuals mentioned in it; state of Hebraism ca. 1496; questions of text and image; knowledge of Judaism amongst Conversos; particular quality of archival evidence in contrast with most Jewish amulets which lack date or place.


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How to Cite

Gutwirth, E. (2014). The Cuenca Amulet: History, Magic, and Manuscripts. Sefarad, 74(2), 453–463.


