What Sort of Information does the Midrash Transmit about the Synagogue? Some Reflections from Leviticus Rabbah





Synagogue, Midrash, Leviticus Rabbah


This study focuses on the accounts transmitted in Lev. Rab about the synagogue in late antique Palestine. The aim is two-fold: 1) to determine the kind of information about the synagogue according to Lev. Rab related to both the building and other associated features, and liturgical, educational and communal data, and 2) to highlight the difficulties inherent in evaluating this information, especially taking into consideration the scarcity of contextual details. This study, then, contributes to the discussion about the connection between the synagogue and the Midrash, shedding light on the perspective of the rabbis regarding this institution in amoraic times and their degree of involvement in synagogue life.


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How to Cite

Miralles-Maciá, L. (2018). What Sort of Information does the Midrash Transmit about the Synagogue? Some Reflections from Leviticus Rabbah. Sefarad, 78(2), 247–284. https://doi.org/10.3989/sefarad.018.008


