Unpublished Partial Fragments of the Kitāb al-anwār by al-Qirqisānī





Genizah, Karaites, Al-Qirqisānī, Kitāb al-anwār, unpublished fragments, Judeo-Arabic


This article contains a partial edition and translation of some fragments from the book Kitāb al-anwār wa-l-marāqib by al-Qirqisānī written in Judeo-Arabic, from the manuscripts preserved in the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection, at the Cambridge University Library. An earlier edition of this book was published by Leon Nemoy; however, this edition was incomplete. In this article I will present the edition and translation of several fragments of the Kitāb al-anwār that were not included in Nemoy´s edition. These fragments deal with both liturgical and legal issues of Judaism including the festivals calendar, the consecration of the šabat and Passover.


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How to Cite

Ibrahim Mohamed, R. (2018). Unpublished Partial Fragments of the Kitāb al-anwār by al-Qirqisānī. Sefarad, 78(2), 285–312. https://doi.org/10.3989/sefarad.018.009


