The joining and separating of words in the Dotrino para criaturas: the outcome of the editorial crossover between sephardim and ashkenazim, or a willingness innovation?




Yisrael Bajar Hayim, Graphic layout, Aljamiado Judeo-Spanish, Errata, 19th Century, Jewish Community of Vienna


This paper analyzes the alleged typographic errors of a brief pedagogical text in Aljamiado Judeo-Spanish: Dotrino para criaturas. This text by Yisrael Bajar Hayim of Belgrade was published as an appendix to the prayer book Bet Tefilá Icaré, in one of the printing houses of the Jewish Community of Vienna. The goal of this work is to determine whether the errors related to the graphic arrangement of the text are due to a misinterpretation of the manuscript by a probably Ashkenazi editor, or can be explained as a voluntary innovation of its author. Thus, it has been carried out a thorough analysis of the unusual graphic joints and separations of the Vienna 1821/1826 and Trieste 1829 editions, trying to establish patterns that indicate some kind of systematicity or a mere arbitrariness in the text.


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How to Cite

Marquínez, E. . (2022). The joining and separating of words in the Dotrino para criaturas: the outcome of the editorial crossover between sephardim and ashkenazim, or a willingness innovation?. Sefarad, 82(2), 293–323.




Funding data

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Grant numbers PID2021-123221NB-I00