Towards a Talmudic Lexicon: The Aramaic Root ק.פ.י / q.f.y in the Light of a Story from the Babylonian Talmud


  • Uri Zur Ariel University



Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Eruvin, Lexicon


The tractate Eruvin of the Babylonian Talmud cites three stories, presented as a single concatenated whole, with all three sharing a single feature: they all have recourse to “language of wisdom” as a medium ascribed to each protagonist. The present article focuses on the first story in isolation from the others, placing emphasis on the Aramaic root ק.פ.י / q.f.y as a special case in connection with studying, on the basis of which the Aramaic word ve-titqfey is formed.


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How to Cite

Zur, U. (2016). Towards a Talmudic Lexicon: The Aramaic Root ק.פ.י / q.f.y in the Light of a Story from the Babylonian Talmud. Sefarad, 76(1), 197–209.


