Biblical Fragment in Christian Palestinian Aramaic from Qubbat al-Ḫaznah (Damascus): Restoration of Illegible Readings and Translation Study
Bible translation, Christian Palestinian Aramaic, LXX, Restoration of illegible readingsAbstract
In this article we offer an analysis of fragment XVIIr-v (1 Sam 7:14–8.4-8) belonging to the corpus of biblical texts in Christian Palestinian Aramaic with a twofold aim: firstly, we will show that the version was translated from a Greek text of the LXX family, although the translator also used one or more Syriac versions; secondly, based on the data obtained in the previous analysis, we have adopted a methodological criterion in order to be able to restore the fragmentary text through the restoration of a series of illegible readings exhibited in the present fragment.
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Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
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