The Familial Legacy: An Approach to the Hispano-Jewish Takkanot on Marriage and Devolution (Thirteenth-Fifteenth Centuries)




Marriage, Inheritance, Familial Estate, Takkanot, Local Jewish Law, Minhagim


This paper studies several takkanot or local ordinances regarding marital practices and devolution of marriage assets, issued by different Hispano-Jewish communities between the thirteenth and the fifteenth centuries. These takkanot reveal the need and importance of regulating legal customs related to the basic social unity: the family. Throughout an individual and combined analysis of the ordinances, two models of devolution are established depending on whether the married couple had arranged a separate or common property system.


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How to Cite

Girona Berenguer, M. (2021). The Familial Legacy: An Approach to the Hispano-Jewish Takkanot on Marriage and Devolution (Thirteenth-Fifteenth Centuries). Sefarad, 81(2), 303–331.




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