A Newly Discovered Autograph of Maimonides: A Judaeo-Arabic Gloss ary with Judaeo- Romance Gloss es (T-S NS 163.57)





Maimonides, Judeo-Arabic, Judeo-Romance, Al-Andalus


Edition, translation and analysis of four lists in a Maimonides autograph draft that would possibly serve him to develop different topics for future writings or assisting him during his teaching, as suggest the logic order and sequence of the items in the lists. Some items on these lists are glossed in Judeo-Romance by Maimonides himself, without us being able to know if it was he himself who included these glosses thanks to his knowledge of Romance (in principle, Andalusi) or if, on the contrary, it was one or more than one informants who helped him complete these lists. The perplexities that arise from the incoherent linguistic features make it impossible to clarify the issue.


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How to Cite

Martínez Delgado, J., Montaner Frutos, A., & Ashur, A. (2023). A Newly Discovered Autograph of Maimonides: A Judaeo-Arabic Gloss ary with Judaeo- Romance Gloss es (T-S NS 163.57). Sefarad, 83(1), 7–77. https://doi.org/10.3989/sefarad.023-001




Funding data

European Regional Development Fund
Grant numbers PID2021-127063NB-I00;PGC2018-094407-B-I00

Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Grant numbers PGC2018-094407-B-I00;PID2021-127063NB-I00

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Grant numbers PGC2018-094407-B-I00;PID2021-127063NB-I00