The Social Theories of Humour and the Study of Laughter in the Hebrew Bible: The Interjection הֶאָח and the Disparagement Humor




Aggressive Humor, Ridicule, Mock, Superiority Theory


The interjection הֶאָח appears nine times in the Hebrew Bible. It is a vocalization which expresses happiness for the misfortunes of an in-group/out-group individual or collective. In accordance with the social theories of humor, that study the hostile function of laughter, it can be said that הֶאָח expresses onomatopoeically a specific kind of laughter that can be either socially «abrasive» or «lubricant». This article examines all the instances of הֶאָח in the HB and considers this interjection in line with the sociological studies of the disparagement humor. Finally, some conclusions are presented.


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How to Cite

El Ammari Alonso, S. (2021). The Social Theories of Humour and the Study of Laughter in the Hebrew Bible: The Interjection הֶאָח and the Disparagement Humor. Sefarad, 81(2), 273–301.




Funding data

Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España
Grant numbers BES-2017-080622

European Social Fund
Grant numbers FFI2016-75064-P

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