In the Periphery of a Judaeo-Arabic Text: Yefet b. ͑Eli against Philosophers and Astrologers, between Tafsīr and Figurative Reality (Preceded by some Philological Notes)


  • Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala Universidad de Córdoba



Yefet b. ͑Eli, Sa ͑adyah, Karaites, Rabbanites, Tafsīr, Philosophers, Astrologers, Maǧlis, Judaeo-Arabic


The present article has two complementary parts. In the first part we offer a philological analysis of Yefet b. ͑Eli’s translation of Daniel 1:20 in comparison with Sa ͑adyah’s version and the oldest Christian Arabic translation (Sin. ar. 1) which has survived. In the second part, we analyse Yefet b. ͑Eli’s commentary focusing on its periphery (not in the heart of the Biblical exegesis in itself) thereby showing how the Karaite author carried out an attack against the official intelligentsia of those days. For this, the author makes use of the scene narrated in the Danielic text to represent the scene of a maǧlis in which the debate is chaired by the monarch. This debate is held, with the king’s wise men, the official intelligentsia, i.e. the Rabbanite thinkers, on the one hand and, on the other hand, the non-offical thinkers, the Karaites, who represent the superior knowledge and the truth which emanates from the Law revealed by God. The Rabbanites represent Nebuchadnezzar’s wise men of Daniel’s text, and the Karaites are Daniel and the young Jews, who are superior to them in science and perfection.


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How to Cite

Monferrer Sala, J. P. (2011). In the Periphery of a Judaeo-Arabic Text: Yefet b. ͑Eli against Philosophers and Astrologers, between Tafsīr and Figurative Reality (Preceded by some Philological Notes). Sefarad, 71(2), 265–291.




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