The Current State of Masoretic Studies
Masorah, Ketib-Qere, Grammar, Hebrew Bible TextAbstract
The foundation of the International Organization of Masoretic Studies (IOMS) in 1972 was a turning point in the studies on Masorah. Since then, Masoretic studies have undergone a true renaissance. The publications on Masoretic issues have proliferated, and the importance of the Masorah for the study of the text of the Hebrew Bible has been stressed in numerous reviews. This brief survey presents the evolution of Masoretic studies, the main research lines and achievements, and some of the most relevant works in the last forty years.
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Azcárraga Servert, M.ª J. "El "kĕtîb/qĕrê en el libro de Josué del Códice de Profetas de El Cairo," in Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies (IOMS), ed. A. Dotan (Jerusalem, 1994).
Azcárraga Servert, M.ª J. "El ketîb/qerê en el libro de Josué del Códice de Profetas de El Cairo," in Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the International Organization for Masoretic Studies, ed. A. Dotan (Jerusalem, 1994).
Azcárraga Servert, M.ª J. "Las `ôtiyyôt gedôlôt en las compilaciones masoréticas," Sefarad 54 (1994), 13-29.
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Dotan, A. "The Beginnings of Masoretic Vowel Notation," in 1972 and 1973 Proceedings IOMS, ed. H. Orlinsky (Missoula, MT, 1974).
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Himmelfarb, L. "Masorah Notes as a Tool for the Corroboration of the Biblical Text in Rashi's Commentary on the Bible" (heb.), in Studies in Bible and Exegesis, vol. VIII, 231-246.
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Hyvernat, H. "Petite Introduction à l'Étude de la Massore," RB 1 (1902), 551-563; 12 (1903), 529-542; 13 (1904), 521-546; 14 (1905), 203-234, 515-542.
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