Hebre w Script Manuscript Fragments from the Municipal Archives of Girona on Gen - ital Diseases and their Remedies : Edition , Translation and Glossary


  • Christa Casals Stenzel




Medicine, Judaism, History, 14th-15th Centuries, Pharmacopea, Galen, Diseases of the Womb, Diseases of Male’s Genitals, Catalan Language, Hebrew manuscripts, Catalonia


Two bifolios and one fragment from among the fragments of medical and pharmacological texts found in the binding of the Llibre d’Àpoques (containing the receipts of payments made by the clavario on behalf of the municipal council) dating from 1380 from the Municipal Archives of Girona, are analyzed because of their linguistic and historial value. The writing and the presentation suggest that they share the same author. Relying on content details, the author presents a probable arrangement of the pages’ original order. Many of the botanical terms are given in the Catalan language (they appear in the translation in cursive letters). The rendition of the Catalan words in Hebrew letters enables us to know their pronunciation at the time.


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How to Cite

Casals Stenzel, C. (2014). Hebre w Script Manuscript Fragments from the Municipal Archives of Girona on Gen - ital Diseases and their Remedies : Edition , Translation and Glossary. Sefarad, 74(1), 33–74. https://doi.org/10.3989/sefarad.014.002


