The Sephardic Couplet La santidad de la ley in the Light of a New Version


  • Ignacio Ceballos Viro Universidad Camilo José Cela - Instituto Universitario Menéndez Pidal



Sephardic, Judeo-Spanish, Coplas, Shavuot, Chapbook, Manuscript, Critical Edition


This essay provides a critical apparatus for the Sephardic copla La santidad de la ley, based on a 1786 publication from Thessaloniki. It examines the four versions of this copla that are already known: the one contained in Sefer Shirah Vezimrah (Izmir, 1866), the one in Ketubat haTorah (Izmir, 1879), and two manuscripts from ca. 1837 and 1910, respectively. The textual analysis of these versions focuses on the style and literary particularities of this copla, which traditionally accompanied Shavuot, the Jewish holiday that commemorates the day God gave the Torah to the nation of Israel. The essay concludes with a critical apparatus for one macaronic poem that is also included in the publication from 1786.


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How to Cite

Ceballos Viro, I. (2015). The Sephardic Couplet La santidad de la ley in the Light of a New Version. Sefarad, 75(2), 381–400.




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