The socialization of the conversos in the western sephardic diaspora communities according to inquisitorial sources


  • Aliza Moreno-Goldschmidt Hebrew University of Jerusalem



Education, Synagogue, Circumcision, Siddur, Prayers, Amsterdam, Ferrara, Bayonne, Leghorn


At the same time as the 17th-century emigration from the Iberian Peninsula to the Western Sephardic Diaspora took place, the reverse process also occurred. Several individuals who had belonged to these communities decided to return, temporarily or permanently, to Spain, Portugal, or their colonies, and were imprisoned and tried by the Inquisition. Trial documents provide us with some insight into the social and religious life of these communities. Using inquisitorial sources, this article discusses some aspects of the circumcision rite, education, and synagogue life in these communities and their function in socializing the New Christians who returned to Judaism.


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How to Cite

Moreno-Goldschmidt, A. (2016). The socialization of the conversos in the western sephardic diaspora communities according to inquisitorial sources. Sefarad, 76(1), 159–196.


