The Hebrew Language in Quevedo’s España defendida




Golden Age, Hebrew, Spanish, Linguistics, Humanism


This article reviews the use of Hebrew in one of the famous writings of Francisco de Quevedo, España defendida. The work considers aspects in the book where Quevedo’s knowledge of Hebrew can be studied from different linguistic perspectives: phonetics, morphology, etymology and, in this specific case, graphematics. Also, in addition to the above, it is interesting to notice how Quevedo is frequently making cultural and literary deductions that, in many cases, are to be considered with his view of Hebrew. Certainly, in the early stages of the work of Quevedo as an author and thinker, he demonstrated a plentitude of exquisite ability of writing about erudite topics. To the point where the analysis of the Hebrew language from socio-linguistic standpoint coincide with his view about the identity of the Spanish people in relation to tradition and religion, from the Hebrews to Christianity and Spain.


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How to Cite

Cohen, S. (2017). The Hebrew Language in Quevedo’s España defendida. Sefarad, 77(1), 145–161.


