Arias Montano, Translator: Philosophy, Techniques, and Multilingual Praxis


  • Natalio Fernández Marcos ILC, CCHS - CSIC, Madrid
  • Emilia Fernández Tejero ILC, CCHS - CSIC, Madrid



Arias Montano, Translation, Castilian Sayings


Arias Montano was one of the best orientalists of the 16th century. He is specially known as editor of the Antwerp Polyglot. He translated into Latin several originals of this Polyglot, and in his Biblical commentaries he provided a new translation for most of the passages. He was in favour of a literal translation and he even dared to correct Sanctes Pagnino’s Latin version. In his Biblical commentaries he utilized idioms of the European languages of his time, especially Castilian. In this article the authors comment these Castilian words, sentences and sayings used by Arias Montano to illustrate various passages. He did not include among his projects a Spanish translation of the Bible; but in the light of his linguistic sensitivity, the authors think that, if he would have done this version, he would possibly have been considered the best translator of the Bible into Spanish.


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Arias Montano, B., Commentaria in duodecim Prophetas (Amberes, 1583).

Arias Montano, B., De Optimo Imperio sive in Lib. Iosuae Commentarium (Amberes, 1583).

Arias Montano, B., De Varia Republica, sive Commentaria in librum Iudicum (Amberes, 1592).

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Stuttgart, 1987).

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Fernández López, S., Lectura y prohibición de la Biblia en lengua vulgar. Defensores y detractores (León, 2003).

Fernández Marcos, N. y E. Fernández Tejero, *De 'Elteqeh a Hita+, en E. Romero (ed.), Judaísmo Hispano. Estudios en memoria de José Luis Lacave Riaño (Madrid 2002), vol. I, 255-264.

Ginsburg, Ch. D., Introduction to the Massoretico.Critical Edition of the Hebrew Bible (London, 1987).

Gómez Canseco, L. M. y V. Núñez Rivera, Arias Montano y el Cantar de los Cantares: estudio y edición de la Paráfrasis en modo pastoril (Kassel, 2001).

Núñez, Hernán, Refranes o proverbios en romance, que coligio, y glossò el Comendador Hernán Núñez, professor de Retórica, y Griego, en la Vniversidad de Salamanca (Lérida, 1621 [la primera edición de esta obra fue en Salamanca, 1555].

Pérez Castro, F. y L. Voet, La Biblia Políglota de Amberes (Madrid, 1973).

Sánchez Manzano, M. A., Prefacios de Benito Arias Montano a la Biblia Regia de Felipe II (León, 2006).

Schenker, A., *The Polyglot Bibles of Antwerp, Paris and London: 1568-1658+, en M. Saebø (ed.), Hebrew Bible / Old Testament. The History of Its Interpretation, vol. II: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment (Göttingen, 2008).

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Weber, R., Biblia Sacra iuxta Vulgatam versionem (Stuttgart, 1975).




How to Cite

Fernández Marcos, N., & Fernández Tejero, E. (2012). Arias Montano, Translator: Philosophy, Techniques, and Multilingual Praxis. Sefarad, 72(1), 101–122.




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