Sephardim in Izmir during First World War: Hunger and Misery


  • Elena Romero ILC-CSIC



First World War, Sephardic people, Balkans, Edition of Texts, Izmir, Sephardic Poetry, Alexandro Ben-Guiat, El Meseret, Judeo-Spanish Lexicon


In this article, which provides with more data on the History of Sephardic people in the Ottoman Empire in the 20th Century, two poems written by the prolific author from Izmir Alexandr (or Alexandro) Ben-Guiat are edited and studied. In them, the difficult economic situation of Sephardic people of Izmir during First World War is described. These poems were published in a leaflet appeared in 1918 as a supplement of the local newspaper El Meseret, directed by Ben-Guiat. On the basis of the data provided by the poems, in this article we examine their historic background, we provide with new information relating the author’s life, and we discuss on his presumable presence in the Turkish army.


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How to Cite

Romero, E. (2015). Sephardim in Izmir during First World War: Hunger and Misery. Sefarad, 75(2), 401–424.


